10 August 2012: The fifth Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Roundtable, which was organized by the UNFCCC Secretariat, was attended by relevant stakeholders. Participants heard presentations and had the opportunity to discuss key elements for CDM enhancement.

The roundtable, which was held on 10 August 2012, in Bonn, Germany, provided an interactive forum for gathering different stakeholders to discuss the latest work on the topics of: improving the stakeholder consultation process; improving the assessment of additionality; improving the guidelines on first-of-its-kind (FOIK) and common practice; and the development of a consolidated methodology development process.

The UNFCCC Secretariat provided participants an overview of recommendations from the last CDM roundtable and updated stakeholders on how these inputs were taken into account in ongoing work. On the development of a consolidated procedure for the methodology development process, stakeholders welcomed the direction of developing a consolidated procedure, particularly with a view to making the process simpler, uniform, predictable, transparent and affordable. Proposed elements of a consolidated draft procedure to be considered by the CDM Board at its 69th meeting were discussed and further submissions on the issue were invited by 13 August 2012.

On improving local/global stakeholder consultation, discussions focused, among other issues, on stakeholders’ concerns raised after registration of CDM projects.

The roundtable is part of the workshops and roundtables that the Secretariat is organizing in collaboration with stakeholders throughout the year to share best practices, enhance understanding and provide a platform for exchange of ideas on CDM. This activity is part of the efforts to support the CDM Executive Board’s commitment to productively engage, collaborate and consult with stakeholders to identify and improve existing standards, procedures and guidelines documenting the requirements under the CDM. Presentations are available at the Secretariat’s website. [Fifth CDM Roundtable Website]