logo_ffdiii3 June 2015: UN Member States are conducting the third additional session of consultations on the outcome document of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD 3). Geir Pedersen, Permanent Representative of Norway, and George Talbot, Permanent Representative of Guyana, serve as Co-Facilitators of the preparatory process.

After paragraph-by-paragraph negotiations of paragraphs 1-47 of the 22 May version of the FfD 3 outcome document during the second additional session, from 26-29 May, discussions on 1-3 June addressed paragraphs 48-124, including the remainder of the Action Agenda (part of the section on Domestic and international private business and finance, and the sections on International public finance, International trade as an engine for development, Debt and Debt Sustainability, Addressing systemic issues, and Science, technology, innovation and capacity building), as well as the section on “Data, monitoring and follow-up.”

The Co-Facilitators announced, on 3 June, that consultations will resume on the afternoon of 4 June, to allow time to for delegations to review some “bridging proposals” for revised paragraphs, to be provided by the Co-Facilitators.

This week’s session is the last of the scheduled additional sessions on the text before the final drafting session, on 15-19 June. The Co-Facilitators have stressed the need to conclude negotiations on the outcome document in June, ahead of the Third Conference on FfD, which is scheduled to take place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 13-16 July 2015. [IISD RS Coverage of Second Additional Session ] [IISD RS Coverage of First Additional Session] [FfD 3 Preparatory Process]