logo_ffdiii7 July 2015: During a press conference held on 7 July 2015, Wu Hongbo, Head of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) and Secretary-General of the upcoming Third International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD 3), highlighted expected “concrete deliverables” from the Conference. He also anticipated that the Conference outcome will comprise a “comprehensive package in support of the SDGs” (Sustainable Development Goals), and said the financing framework will be universally inclusive.

FfD 3 will take place from 13-16 July 2015, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Hongbo said deliverables of the Addis Ababa Accord should include: a commitment to establish a new technology bank for the least developed countries (LDCs) by 2017; other proposals for LDCs regarding increased aid and foreign direct investment (FDI); and a new social compact between governments and their people to deliver social protection and essential public services for all, such as health, education, energy, water and sanitation.

Wu added that Conference participants are expected to include approximately 30 Heads of State and government and deputy prime ministers, over 110 ministers, and approximately 1,000 representatives from civil society and the business sector. [UN Press Release] [Press Conference Webcast] [FfD 3 Website]