logo_ffdiii5 June 2015: UN Member States held the third additional session in the preparatory process for the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD 3). In addition to completing their second reading of the draft ‘Addis Ababa Accord,’ the outcome document of FfD 3, they also coordinated outside of formal meetings in smaller groupings, including to consider proposed “bridging paragraphs” circulated by the Co-Facilitators based on the plenary discussions.

The session convened at UN Headquarters in New York, US, from 1-5 June 2015, as an informal meeting of the plenary. George Talbot, Permanent Representative of Guyana, and Geir Pedersen, Permanent Representative of Norway, are serving as Co-Facilitators of the preparatory process.

Delegates conducted a paragraph-by-paragraph negotiation starting with paragraph 48 of the 22 May version of the text, considering text under sections on: Domestic and international private business and finance; International trade as an engine for development; Debt and debt sustainability; Addressing systemic issues; and Data, monitoring and follow-up.

After completing the second full reading part-way through the week, the Co-Facilitators encouraged more informal coordination between delegations, indicating that substantial differences remain in areas such as: taxation; policy space; and CBDR. They noted that revised paragraphs (“bridging paragraphs”) have been circulated, and more are forthcoming, and expressed hope that they would not need much deliberation.

Closing the meeting on 5 June, Talbot announced that “very” informal daily consultations will take place from 8-12 June 2015, to allow delegations to engage on issues including: follow-up; international public finance; technology, including the technology facilitation mechanism; tax matters; broad deliverables; and other issues related to principles to guide Member States during the last drafting session.

The third and final FfD3 drafting session is scheduled to take place from 15-19 June 2015, at UN Headquarters in New York. [IISD RS Meeting Coverage] [IISD RS Coverage of Second Additional Session ] [IISD RS Coverage of First Additional Session] [FfD 3 Preparatory Process]