14 February 2013: The Carbon Fund of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) held a workshop with representatives of indigenous peoples and civil society in order to gather their views and opinions on the work of the FCPF. Topics discussed included REDD+ readiness and the development of a methodological framework for the FCPF.

The workshop, which took place in mid-February 2013, in Washington DC, US, built on previous dialogues held in Panama, Peru, Qatar, Tanzania and Thailand. It also built on the adoption of the Action Plan, the objective of which is to ensure that FCPF activities meet the requirements set out in the Cancun agreement on REDD+ with regard to the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples and the provision of information on safeguards and monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV). The Action Plan also promotes capacity building and the allocation of adequate and dedicated resources for indigenous peoples.

Over the course of the above dialogues, REDD+ discussions with indigenous peoples have evolved from concern over land rights to the full engagement of indigenous peoples in planning and decision-making within the FCPF.

In support of further engagement of indigenous peoples, the World Bank, as trustee of the FCPF, has appointed a Senior Advisor for Indigenous Peoples and Ethnic Minorities, Luis Felipe Duchicela. It has also begun an indigenous peoples consultation process on World Bank safeguard policies and is considering the development of an Indigenous Peoples Advisory Council. [World Bank Blog: Engaging with Indigenous Peoples on Forests]