8 April 2011: The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility has published the resolutions and decisions adopted at the eighth meeting of the Participants Committee (PC), which took place from 23-25 March 2011, in Da Lat, Viet Nam.

The Participant’s Committee allocated a total of $14.2 million in new readiness grants to Ethiopia, Cambodia, Peru and Viet Nam, following reviews of the countries’ Readiness Preparation Proposals (R-PPs). On Readiness Grants, the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved the proposed FCPF Readiness Fund safeguard, thus allowing the Bank to sign Readiness Grants with the Democratic Republic of Congo and Nepal for US$3.4 million each. At the meeting Liberia, the Central African Republic and Uganda presented draft R-PPs.

On funding of the Readiness Fund and Carbon Fund, the PC noted that pledged funds for the Readiness Fund are at US$217 million and US$156 million for the Carbon Fund. The PC called for submission of R-PPs to be considered at PC9 by 11 April 2011, and by 1 August 2011 for PC10. The PC highlighted the update of the R-PP template with the cooperation of UN-REDD and called for comments on the current template by 20 April 2011. The PC noted that the common approach to environmental and social safeguards among Multiple Delivery Partners had its first in-person meeting in March 2011, and noted the interest of five countries in piloting the Multiple Delivery Partner arrangements: Cambodia; Guyana; Panama; Paraguay and Peru.

The first FCPF evaluation lauded the FCPF for providing: a common framework for REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, as well as the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of carbon stocks) readiness; a forum for exchange of lessons learned; and an opening of space for in-country dialogue. The Evaluation expressed concern for the slow timing of disbursements and limited in-country support for readiness. On the size of the PC Bureau, the PC decided to increase the size of the PC Bureau by two country participants. The PC requested the Facility Management Team to develop a plan for enhanced communication on the FCMC.

Future meetings were decided for PC 9 in Norway from 20-22 June 2011; and for the fourth Participants Assembly and PC 10 in Germany from 17-19 October 2011. [FCPF Meeting Website]