FAOMarch 2014: In its ‘Voluntary Guidelines on Tenure Governance Initiative Newsletter,’ the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) presents a FAO technical guide for government, civil society, indigenous peoples, land users and investors on practical actions for ‘Respecting free, prior and informed consent’ (FPIC).

The publication presents guidance on actions related to initial groundwork and mapping, through to implementation and the establishment of grievance processes.

The bulletin also features work by FAO to raise awareness of the Guidelines through a campaign that has completed 11 regional workshops in: Cameroon and Rwanda (Africa region); Fiji and Thailand (Asia and the Pacific region); Bulgaria and Ukraine (Europe and Central Asia region); Colombia and Guyana (Latin America and the Caribbean region); and Jordon, Morocco and United Arab Emirates (Near East region). It also profiles UN General Assembly resolution (A/C.2/68/L.56), which encourages countries to consider implementation of the FAO Voluntary Guidelines.

In addition, the newsletter profiles a policy brief by the UN Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation (UN-REDD) titled, ‘Developing Enabling Tenure Conditions for REDD+,’ which presents experiences and approaches on tenure issues in the context of REDD. Finally, the newsletter announces that the technical guide titled ‘Governing Land for Women and Men’ is available in English and Spanish. [Publication: Voluntary Guidelines on Tenure Governance Initiative Newsletter] [Publication: Respecting free, prior and informed consent] [Publication: Developing enabling tenure conditions for REDD+] [IISD Forests Policy and Practice story on UN-REDD FPIC Publication]