November 2010: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) has released a Forests and Climate Change Working Paper titled “Woodfuels and climate change mitigation: Case studies from Brazil, India and Mexico.”

In Brazil, the publication examines: current woodfuel sources and deforestation; future supply and demand; methodologies for national carbon inventories; and potential for and costs of woodfuel substitutions. For India, the report outlines: impacts of developments in commercial energy on woodfuel; land availability and energy potential; existing forest carbon stocks; opportunities for the private sector; substitution of fossil fuels with woodfuels; and the impact on forests and forest industries.

In Mexico, the report describes: the national energy supply and demand; wood energy consumption and production potential; national carbon substitution policies; the potential for cost effective woodfuel substitution and emission reductions; and recommended investments and policy actions. [FAO Report]