fao_headquartersApril 2016: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) has released its latest ‘Yearbook of Forest Products,’ a compilation of statistical data on basic forest products for all countries and territories of the world.

Each Yearbook contains series of annual data on the volume of production and the volume and value of trade in forest products. It includes tables showing the direction of trade and average unit values of trade for certain products. Statistical information is based primarily on data provided to the FAO Forestry Department by the countries through questionnaires or official publications.

This Yearbook contains annual data on the production and trade in forest products for the years 2010-2014 and on the direction of trade in 2013 and 2014. While publication is made possible through the cooperation of governments that supply most of the information, this edition has benefited from expanded cooperation in gathering forest-sector statistics through a joint questionnaire supported by the FAO Forestry Department, the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the Statistical Office of the European Union and the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO).

Yearbook tables are arranged in three parts. The first part contains information about the most important countries in terms of production, consumption and trade of forest products in 2014. The second contains the main tables reporting the volume of production, consumption and trade, as well as total and unit values of trade, for every country and type of forest product. The third part contains tables showing the bilateral directions of trade for major product categories. [Publication: FAO Yearbook of Forest Products 2014] [FAO Forest Products Statistics]