4 November 2010: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) has launched a new website highlighting agriculture practices that reduce farmers’ vulnerability to climate impacts and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, sequester carbon, and improve farm yields and household incomes.

The FAO will update the website to present case studies and lessons learned globally. The website highlights: activities in Cameroon to develop and distribute improved crop varieties; agroforestry practices in Mozambique that result in carbon payments; biodigesters in Viet Nam that transform farm waste into biogas for cooking and lighting, as well as fertilizing fields; and improved water management in rice fields conserving water and reducing emissions in the Philippines. The press release highlights the challenges that rice farmers face in dealing with the adverse impacts of climate change, underscoring the potential for improved water management and seed varieties, more diversification of crops, and crop insurance. [FAO Press Release] [Climate Smart Agriculture Website][Climate Change Policy & Practice Story on the Release of the Climate Smart Report]