FAO25 November 2013: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) has launched a report presenting case studies on the effectiveness of forest producer organizations. The report also introduces the FAO Forest and Farm Facility designed to support local forest farmer organizations.

The report presents examples demonstrating good practices with regard to: building organizational strength in different group structures; creating partnerships and networks; lobbying and the promotion of policies; and developing business opportunities for sustainable forest products. In doing so, the report highlights a number of key messages including the need to establish an organization with a clear purpose and inclusive structure, and the importance of building relationships with government agencies, donors, the private sector and civil society.

The report also notes the potential role of forest producer organizations in speaking on behalf of small forest producers and generating sustainable income opportunities for family farmers.

The report, produced with AgriCord, was launched at the International Conference on Forest Producer Organizations, which met from 25-28 November 2013 in Guilin, China. [FAO Press Release] [UN Press Release] [Publication: Strength in Numbers – Effective forest producer organizations]