Adaptation of Forests and Forest Management to Changing Climate with Emphasis on Forest Health 28 August 2008: A conference on “Adaptation of Forests and Forest Management to Changing Climate with Emphasis on Forest Health: A Review
of Science, Policies and Practices” convened from 25-28 August 2008, in Umeå,

The conference, organized by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization
(FAO), the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and the International
Union of Forest Research Organizations, focused on the current state of
knowledge of ongoing changes in climatic conditions in different regions of the
world, and the implications of these changes for forest management and
Key messages emerging from the meeting include: reactive forest
management must be replaced by planned adaptation based on monitoring and risk
assessments; the forest sector has to learn to deal with and communicate
uncertainty; and adaptation and mitigation are community-level livelihood
issues. The conference report will be made available to an Expert Panel of the
Collaborative Partnership on Forests, whose own report will help inform the
eighth session of the UN Forum on Forests in its deliberations on issues
related to adaptation, in April 2009. [Conference website]