18 September 2012: The Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN (FAO) has published a policy brochure on “Unlocking National Opportunities: New Insights on Financing Sustainable Forest and Land Management.” The publication outlines a six-step process for mobilizing financial resources for sustainable forest management (SFM) and sustainable land management (SLM), and draws on case studies from Guatemala, Jordan, Peru and Zambia to illustrate its findings.

The brochure finds that there is more in-country money for SFM and SLM than is typically accessed, especially when considering private investments and informal financing. As such, the main challenge is in building the capacity to access and make efficient use of existing resources. This capacity can be built through enabling investments in governance, institutional and local capacity, the brochure argues. The brochure also highlights the need to strengthen links between financial institutions and the forest and land sectors, in order to build trust and facilitate the mobilization of domestic financial resources.

On other barriers to SFM and SLM financing, the publication identifies unclear use rights, other legal barriers, and lack of political support.

The brochure was co-authored with the Global Mechanism (GM) of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), the National Forest Programme (NFP) Facility, Tropenbos International and the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). [Publication: Unlocking National Opportunities: New Insights on Financing Sustainable Forest and Land Management]