FAONovember 2011: The Biotechnology Forum of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) has announced the latest in its series of moderated “email conferences,” titled “Strengthening partnerships in agricultural biotechnologies for the benefit of smallholders in developing countries: Discussing North-South, South-South, Public-Private cooperation and more.”

The conference seeks to enable discussion and exchange of experiences about partnerships in agricultural biotechnologies to benefit smallholders in developing countries, covering, inter alia: potential pitfalls and benefits of different kinds of partnerships; lessons learned and best practices from past experiences; and relevant advice for developing countries or their national research organizations on the subject. The conference covers a broad range of biotechnologies used in the crop, forestry, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture, and agro-industry sectors.

The conference is free and open to all interested parties, and will run from 14 November-9 December 2011. [FAO Biotech Forum Website] [Conference Announcement (FAO Biotech News)]