29 February 2012: An ad-hoc Experts Group Meeting on “Harnessing Natural Resources for Sustainable Development: Opportunities and challenges in the tourism sector in Southern Africa” has provided a forum for experts to exchange ideas on economic conditions and topical issues relating to southern Africa.

The meeting, which was held from 28-29 February 2012 in Port Louis, Mauritius, prior to the 18th Intergovernmental Committee of Experts, convened to discuss recommendations for the tourism sector in southern Africa, which will be submitted to the 18th Intergovernmental Committee of Experts for their consideration. Delegates noted that there is growing potential for tourism in Southern Africa generally, as the region is rich in natural resources and biodiversity. They urged that tourism should be viewed as an opportunity to drive growth while ensuring environmental sustainability in the region, particularly through the integration of community-based natural resource management.

Delegates also heard that while Mauritius’ economy benefits from exports such as sugar, clothing, tea and jewellery, over 10% of its gross domestic product (GDP) is from tourism, which has been operating at below predicted growth rates due to the global financial crisis and volatile consumption patterns. Tourism and sustainable natural resource use were seen by many experts as pertinent in today’s global climate. They noted that Mauritius is viewed as a model in the region for “sustainable tourism” which is characterized by strict adherence to a tourism development strategy that emphasizes “low rise, low density developments, seascape architecture, use of local materials and sound pollution and waste management.” [UNECA Press Release: 28 February 2012] [UNECA Press Release: 29 February 2012 a] [UNECA Press Release: 29 February 2012 b]