The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), along with the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES), convened a regional workshop on afrormosia (Pericopsis elata), a tropical hardwood listed in CITES Appendix II, in Kribi, Cameroon, from 2-4 April 2008.

Over 30 participants from the main range states in central and west Africa, as well as importing countries, NGOs, timber trade representatives and international organizations, developed a participatory action plan to help ensure that international trade in afrormosia is consistent with its sustainable management and conservation in Africa. The action plan includes: building capacity of exporting and importing countries to implement CITES and manage afrormosia sustainably; improving ecological and silvicultural knowledge of the species; promoting support programmes for its regeneration; and relevant governance and marketing issues.
Link to further information
ITTO media release, 15 April 2008