17 October 2012: The European Commission (EC) organized the seventh edition of the European Development Days (EDD) in Brussels, Belgium, from 16-17 October 2012, around the theme “inclusive and sustainable growth for human development.” Panel discussions held during the event focused on a new global development agenda, renewable energy policy, biofuels, and inclusive development, among other topics.

EC President José Manuel Barroso opened the event, pledging to follow up on all commitments from the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or “Rio+20”), in particular the discussions on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and financing. He called for the SDGs discussion to be embedded in wider discussions on the post-2015 global development framework.

Andris Piebalgs, EC Commissioner for Development, highlighted the role of EU aid in successfully reducing poverty, calling for prioritization of efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 through smart, targeted and high-impact aid. He drew attention to the post-2015 development framework, saying that it should guarantee “a decent life for all by 2030” based on minimum living standards and good stewardship of natural resources.

Piebalgs announced the results of a new Eurobarometer survey on development, which show that 61% of Europeans support increasing aid for anti-poverty causes, and that such aid should focus on post-conflict, disaster or fragile contexts. He noted that 55% preferred to stop aid to countries with rapid growth and the emerging economies. He called on the EU to take these views into account in their upcoming budget decisions covering the next seven years.

In a session on the outcomes and way forward from Rio+20, panelists highlighted rising inequality in both developed and developing countries, calling for action on gender, education and employment inequalities. They emphasized finite natural resources, and the need for improved governance and anti-corruption efforts in developing countries.

On renewable energy, development aid and rights groups welcomed the EU plan to halve the use of biofuels made from land crops, and highlighted the need for community consent in any policy involving land handovers. They called for a clear framework to make biofuels sustainable, and to reduce prices and price volatility.

On inclusive growth and development, panelists supported blending official and other forms of financing for development. They called on governments in partner countries to create attractive investment environments. They also noted potential pitfalls of private cross-border investment, where it undermines, for example, the right to free public facilities for health and education.

On women’s entrepreneurship in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, speakers considered factors that help or hinder women’s participation in the labor force in the MENA region, which has the lowest regional rate globally. They mentioned issues of access to capital, education and training, and cultural attitudes limiting recognition of women’s roles, among other factors.

European Development Days are organized as an annual policy forum highlighting challenges and initiatives in the areas of development cooperation. [EU Development Days Website] [EC President’s Speech] [EC Development Commissioner’s Speech] [EU Press Release on Survey]