Held from 26-27 January 2010, in Madrid, Spain, the European Conference “Post-2010 Biodiversity Vision and Target – the role of protected areas and ecological networks in Europe” was organized by the Spanish Presidency of the EU.

The conference aimed to highlight the importance of protected areas for conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services, examined implementation of the CBD programme of work on protected areas in Europe and conducted a discussion on post-2010 biodiversity targets at the EU level on the basis of the European Commission proposals on a post-2010 biodiversity vision and target. The event also served to launch the International Year of Biodiversity at the European level. The outcome of the conference is the “‘Cibeles’ Priorities: stopping biodiversity loss in Europe,” outlining Spain’s priorities. The document calls for, among others, a target for Europe to halt the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of ecosystem services, and to restore them significantly by 2020.
Links to further information
The conference website
The Cibeles Priorities