19 October 2012: The 10th conference of the Europe-International Network of Basin Organizations (Europe-INBO) group, which convened in Istanbul, Turkey, from 17-19 October 2012, has adopted the Declaration Europe-Inbo of Istanbul, which addresses the implementation of water policies in Europe.

The conference brought together 354 participants from 47 countries, representing governments, basin organizations, NGOs and the private sector. It was organized around six roundtables on: the water, food and energy nexus; water governance in transboundary river basins; cooperation with East European, Caucasian, Central Asian and Mediterranean river basin partners; strategies for adaptation to climate change; river restoration and protection of water ecosystems; and economic analysis, valuation of ecosystems services and stakeholder involvement.

Participants presented a joint declaration relating to these areas at the close of the conference. Among various measures, they called for: improving coordination of policies on water, sustainable energy and agriculture in the EU; moving towards large-scale river restoration projects with multiple-target approaches; working to decrease water demand and improving water resources; and incorporating strategies for adaptation to climate change into river basin management plans.

The Declaration Europe-Inbo of Istanbul notes that 123 organizations worldwide have signed the World Pact for Better Basin Management launched by INBO at the World Water Forum in Marseilles in March 2012.

The Europe-INBO group was created in 2003 and meets annually to support implementation of European policies, including the Water Framework Directive (WFD). [Europe-INBO Website] [Declaration Europe-Inbo of Istanbul]