10 November 2010: The European Commission has issued: a report on passenger car emissions, a proposed energy strategy for 2020, and a call for proposals for investment in low-carbon and renewable energy demonstration projects.

The Commission has released a report noting that average carbon dioxide emissions from new passenger cars sold in the EU dropped by 5% in 2009, against the previous year, and adopted detailed rules to harmonize the monitoring of carbon dioxide emissions from cars across the EU.

The Commission also unveiled a new strategy for a competitive, sustainable and secure energy, in its Communication titled “Energy 2020,” which defines the EU’s energy priorities for the next ten years and identifies actions necessary to tackle the challenges of saving energy, achieving a market with competitive prizes and secure supplies, boosting technological leadership, and effectively negotiating with international partners. In the Communication, the Commission identifies top priorities, on the basis of which it is expected to make concrete legislative initiatives within the next 18 months.

Finally, on 9 November 2010, the European Commission launched the first call for proposals for investment in low-carbon and renewable energy demonstration projects. The initiative, known as NER300, is expected to provide substantial financial support for at least eight projects involving carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies and at least 34 projects involving innovative renewable energy technologies. The aim is to drive low-carbon economic development in Europe, creating new green jobs and contributing to the achievement of the EU’s ambitious climate change goals. [EU Press Release on Cars Emissions][EU Press Release on Energy 2020] [EU Press Release on NER300]