EEA6 November 2012: The European Environment Agency has released a report on the movements of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes between EU countries, and in and out of the EU. The report, titled “Movements of waste across the EU’s internal and external borders,” analyzes patterns of waste exports and imports, the driving forces behind them and provides policy recommendations.

According to the report, exports of explosive, toxic, flammable, irritative, toxic and corrosive hazardous waste grew 131% from 2000-2009. During this time, the EU’s hazardous waste generation increased by 28%. Imports of hazardous of waste from inside and outside the EU trebled between 2001-2009, reaching 8.9 million tonnes (Mt).

The report notes that hazardous waste can include incinerator fly ash, contaminated soil, lead batteries, waste mineral oils and other chemicals. The biggest importer of hazardous waste in 2009 was Germany, with 3 Mt, and the largest exporter was the Netherlands, with 2.8 Mt. Most hazardous waste was recycled or used as fuel, although some was sent to landfill.

The report also outlines the trade in electrical products shipped from the EU to West Africa. Despite EU legislation precluding the export of hazardous waste from the EU to non-OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries, the report highlights, there is a significant trade in falsely classified “used goods,” which are non-functional, in reality.

The report recommends that the EU: intensify and harmonize inspection activities across the EU to combat illegal waste transfers; put more emphasis on waste prevention to become more resource efficient; and encourage new technologies and business models that generate less waste, or waste that is less hazardous. [Publication: Movements of waste across the EU’s internal and external borders] [EEA Press Release]