A series of conferences from 30 May to 2 June 2006 in Brussels has focused on the target of halting biodiversity loss by 2010.

On 22 May, the European Commission presented a Communication setting out a policy approach to halting biodiversity loss, which proposed 10 priority objectives in relation to key policy areas, as well as an EU Action Plan specifying concrete actions and outlining the responsibility of community institutions and Member States. Under the theme “Biodiversity is life!” a number of debates held during the Green Week were attended by prominent speakers, including various decision makers and academics. The opening session explored the balance between exploitation and protection of natural resources. Panels were also held on issues such as the ecological footprint, the value of biodiversity, the impact of trade and what trade can do, agriculture and forests, the Natura 2000 network, and research, indicators and monitoring. There were also panels on access and benefit-sharing, oceans and seas, reconciling nature and development, ecosystem services, climate change, business and biodiversity, and the system of international governance. The closing session focused on the Countdown 2010 and the EU commitments.
Links to further information
Green Week website, June 2006
Daily reports
Europa Press, “Commission proposes new EU plan to halt biodiversity loss,” 22 May 2006
European Commission Communication, “Halting the loss of biodiversity by 2010 – and beyond,” 22 May 2006
Euractiv.com News, “Can EU halt animal and plant extinction?” 30 May 2006
Euractiv.com News, “Green week debate: biodiversity 2010 target is unrealistic” 31 May 2006
Euractiv.com News, “Biodiversity: can EU politicians cope with the challenge?” 1 June 2006