22 February 2011: The EU Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health (SCoFCAH) endorsed a proposal by the European Commission aiming to harmonize implementation of the zero-tolerance policy with regard to material from non-authorized genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in imports of animal feed.

The proposal endorsed by SCoFCAH provides for procedures to be used by all member States to ensure coherent results and reduce legal uncertainty for importers. The proposal sets the threshold lowest level of GMO presence (LLP) for validating detection methods at 0.1 percent. Feed material that exceeds this “technical zero” threshold, after due consideration of the margin of error, will be considered non-compliant.

If no opposition is raised by the European Parliament or the EU Council within three months, the Commission can adopt the proposal.

The overall aim of the EU’s GMO policy framework is to ensure the protection of human life and health and welfare, environment and consumer interests, while ensuring that the internal market works effectively. [EU Directorate General Press Release] [Website on Evaluation of GMO Policy in the EU]