eu-china29 June 2015: At the 17th bilateral summit between the EU and China, the two parties adopted a joint statement on climate change, recognizing it as “one of the greatest threats facing humanity” and agreeing to elevate climate change cooperation in their bilateral relations. The summit, which commemorated the 40th anniversary of EU-China diplomatic relations, concluded with the adoption of a summit declaration that acknowledges the critical role the two sides must play in addressing climate change.

The summit, held on the 29 June 2015 in Brussels, Belgium, was attended by several high-level leaders, including European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, European Council President Donald Tusk and State Council of the People’s Republic of China Premier Li Keqiang.

In their climate change statement, the two sides agree to cooperate on developing low-carbon, cost-effective, resource-efficient, green and climate-resilient economies and societies. To this end, they agree to enhance policy dialogue, analysis of policy instruments and practical cooperation. They also support expanding EU-China emissions trading and strengthening bilateral cooperation on carbon markets.

On cities, the two sides agree to launch an EU-China Low-Carbon Cities Partnership to promote low-carbon and resilient urban areas. On energy, they will promote dialogue and collaboration on conservation and energy efficiency in the following sectors: energy supply; industry; aviation, maritime transport and other transportation activities; and buildings.

In addition, they express their intent to continue existing initiatives on climate-related scientific research and development (R&D), adaptation solutions, technological innovation, afforestation, and carbon capture and storage (CCS). The two sides also plan to work together on climate investment and capacity building. [European Commission Press Release] [EU-China Joint Statement on Climate Change] [EU-China Summit Joint Statement: The Way Forward after Forty Years of EU-China Cooperation]