4th European Union EU-Africa Summit4 April 2014: Delegates to the Fourth EU-Africa Summit agreed on a Declaration outlining commitments on peace and security, prosperity and people. Leaders also adopted a declaration on migration and mobility, and a road map to frame EU-Africa relations in 2014-2017. The EU committed to provide more than €28 billion to Africa through bilateral cooperation.

Opening the Summit in Brussels, Belgium, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for accelerating progress while crafting a sustainable, inclusive agenda that advances food and nutrition security, empowers women and ensures the inclusion of youth voices, among other goals. Describing climate change as “the defining issue of our time,” Ban emphasized the importance of raising ambition in 2014 to reach agreement in 2015.

The Declaration describes peace and security as prerequisites for development and prosperity. In the Declaration, leaders commit to, inter alia: strengthening efforts to combat transnational organized crime, including of wildlife and natural resources; and working together to fight illegal fishing and dumping of toxic waste.

On prosperity, the Declaration underscores the importance of stimulating environmentally sound, inclusive, sustainable growth, including blue growth and green growth. It emphasizes cooperation and measures on: maritime policy, including marine biodiversity; agricultural transformation and food security, including through the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP); land degradation, desertification and drought (DLDD); biodiversity and ecosystem preservation; access to drinking water and affordable, sustainable energy, particularly energy efficiency and renewable energy; and information and communications technology (ICT).

On people, the Declaration emphasizes commitments to reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 and to define and implement an “ambitious, inclusive and universal post-2015 development agenda” that reinforces commitments to poverty eradication and sustainable development.

The Declaration also addresses climate change, recognizes the vulnerability of small island developing States (SIDS), proposes a dialogue on responsible mineral sourcing, and emphasizes job creation.

The road map defines strategic objectives and outlines key areas for joint cooperation on five priorities: peace and security; democracy, good governance and human rights; human development; sustainable and inclusive development and growth and continental integration; and global and emerging issues.

The African Development Bank (AfDB) and the European Commission (EC) signed a new Cooperation Arrangement at the meeting. The agreement aims to strengthen cooperation on development work and will deepen activities in priority areas, including on climate resilience, energy and infrastructure, capacity building and work in fragile states.

At the ‘Roll Back Malaria-African Union (AU) Breakfast on Health in the Broader Development and Post-2015 Agenda,” held on the Summit sidelines, Ban called for an Africa free of malaria. He described “keeping investments in health high on the international development agenda” as critical in efforts to accelerate MDG achievement and formulate the post-2015 agenda. AU Commission Chairperson Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma said health “encompasses every aspect of development,” underscoring the importance of agriculture and food security, clean water and sanitation and clean energy in achieving development and health goals.

Over 60 EU and African leaders attended the Summit, which convened from 2-3 April 2014 under the theme ‘Investing in People, Prosperity and Peace.’ [Summit Website] [Declaration] [Declaration on Migration and Mobility] [Roadmap 2014-2017] [AfDB Press Release] [EU Press Release] [Ban Statement] [Zuma Opening Statement][Zuma Closing Statement] [Ban Statement on Malaria] [Zuma Statement on Malaria][Climate Change Policy & Practice summary on climate outcomes]