25 September 2017: Ethiopia has launched its National Adaptation Plan (NAP), outlining priority actions for the country to prepare for climate change impacts. The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) issued an information note titled, ‘Gender Differences in Agro-Climate Information Services.’

Ethiopia’s NAP focuses on agriculture, forestry, health, transport, power, industry, water and urban sectors, identifying them as the most vulnerable.

A strategic planning workshop to support the development of implementation strategies for Ethiopia’s NAP highlighted vertical integration as critical for the NAP, including participation, stakeholder empowerment, gender sensitivity and equitable implementation.

To support development of NAP implementation strategies, the NAP Global Network and Ethiopia’s Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change hosted a strategic planning workshop in August 2017 through the US In-Country NAP Support program. The workshop identified priority actions to support NAP implementation, focusing on the NAP’s strategic priorities. It highlighted vertical integration as critical for the NAP, including participation, stakeholder empowerment, gender sensitivity and equitable implementation. [NAP Global Network Press Release] [Government of Ethiopia Press Release] [US In-Country NAP Support Program Webpage]

The CCAFS publication lays out the findings from Agro-Climate Information Services (ACIS) baseline survey in Ha Tinh and Dien Bien provinces in Viet Nam. It concludes that women and men face unique challenges in terms of domestic labor, which impact their participation in agricultural production activities. Highlighting gender differences in agricultural responsibilities, decision making and market engagement, the publication finds that women and men perceive some weather impacts on crops differently, and diverge in how they receive, share, understand and act upon weather-related information.

The note calls for equal opportunities to participate in agro-advisory designs, which, if updated, can improve intra-household sharing of weather information. [Gender Differences in Agro-Climate Information Services] [Publication Landing Page] [CCAFS Press Release]

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