chemical_reportJuly 2016: The UN Environment Management Group (EMG) released a synthesis report on the importance of sound chemicals management in contributing to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The report identifies ways UN agencies can support Member States in addressing chemical and chemical waste management, and ensuring implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to poverty eradication, biodiversity, agriculture, health, water, employment and sustainable industrialization.

The EMG is a UN system-wide coordination body on environment and human settlements. The report, titled ‘United Nations and Sound Chemicals Management: Coordinating Delivery for Member States and Sustainable Development,’ illustrates the role of sound chemicals management in the development agenda. It outlines international processes, agreements and initiatives on chemicals management, including the activities of more than 30 UN agencies. The report finds that there is a diversity of expertise on sound chemicals management within the UN system, but low visibility of the topic overall, suggesting a need to consider ways to more effectively deploy chemical capacity to support Member States. Within this context, the report suggests opportunities for increasing awareness and visibility of sound chemicals management and increasing cooperation across the UN system to achieve chemicals-related goals.

The report recommends, inter alia: examining and developing linkages with initiatives on the green economy and cleaner production; identifying and promoting benefits of greater cross-sectoral coordination on chemicals management; inviting other sectors to relevant meetings; and increasing and broadening efforts to organize joint capacity-building workshops for key sectors and include chemicals modules in non-chemical workshop and UN Convention meetings. Additional recommendations focus on preparing a detailed assessment of UN organizations’ contributions to the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) and further promoting coordination and synergies at multiple levels.

The report is an output of the EMG’s ad hoc Issue Management Group (IMG) on the Sound Management of Chemicals. EMG established the Group in 2014, in response to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) outcome. The IMG raises the priority of chemicals management in the UN system, promotes integration of chemicals management in economic and social development planning, and enhances the profile of chemicals and wastes in the discussions on the SDGs, among other activities. [Publication: United Nations and Sound Chemicals Management: Coordinating Delivery for Member States and Sustainable Development] [Publication Brochure] [EMG Publications] [IISD RS Story on Establishment of IMG]