UNEA-225 May 2016: The UN Environment Management Group (EMG) launched a System-Wide Framework of Strategies on the Environment for the UN System (SWFS), to enhance support for countries in implementing the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Framework was launched at a special event on the sidelines of the second session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-2).

UNEA-2 is convening in Nairobi, Kenya, from 23-27 May 2016. The Framework was launched in a side event on 25 May, organized by the EMG. It was also discussed in a plenary session in the Committee of the Whole on 25 May.

A specific objective of the SWFS is for individual agencies’ strategies on environmental issues to converge. It also seeks to elaborate new system-wide strategies to guide the UN’s environmental activities. The Framework aims to add value in three action areas: UN organizations contributing relevant information to the EMG Secretariat in a timely manner; providing an up-to-date system-wide perspective and analysis of this information; and making the organizational information, analysis and a synthesis report available and accessible to UN organizations and stakeholders.

In the forward to the SWFS publication of 2 May 2016, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon notes that the Strategy will serve to integrate the environmental dimensions of the SDGs “into the business model and organizational culture” of the UN system.

In the plenary, the EU welcomed the launch of the SWFS, but said UNEA’s role as the global environmental authority should have more prominence. The US applauded the EMG’s “soft hand” approach towards cooperation with UN agencies’ governing bodies.

The EMG, a UN system-wide coordination body on environment and human settlements, identifies issues on the international environmental agenda that warrant cooperation, and aims to respond to those issues in a coherent, synergistic manner. Membership consists of the specialized agencies, programmes and organs of the UN, including the MEA Secretariats. UNEP hosts the EMG in Geneva, and UNEP’s Executive Director chairs the Group. [System-Wide Framework of Strategies on the Environment for the UN System] [SWFS Event Website] [IISD RS Meeting Coverage]