The eighth session of the UN Secretary General’s Advisory Board (UNSGAB) on Water and Sanitation, an independent body established in March 2004 by then UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, convened in Shanghai, China, from 31 May-1 June 2007.

The Board, which advises the UN Secretary-General and galvanizes global action on water and sanitation issues, conducted a Dialogue aimed at securing Asian governments’ commitment to implement all actions in the Hashimoto Action Plan. During the event, participants: discussed major challenges and solutions on water and sanitation in Asia; identified priority actions of the Hashimoto Action Plan vital to achieving the Millennium Development Goals on water and sanitation in Asia; and discussed ways to implement the priority actions of the Hashimoto Action Plan in Asia. In addition, a Joint Statement was adopted which contains a summary of the discussions and their shared understanding.
Link to further information
UNSGAB’s eight session website