1 October 2012: The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) convened its Annual Conference on 1 October 2012, in Brussels, Belgium, under the theme “Renewing Europe’s Commitment to Sustainable Development in the Aftermath of Rio+20.” UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Executive Director Achim Steiner and Janez Potočnik, European Commissioner for Environment addressed the conference.

The conference considered to what extent the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) changed the environment and sustainable development governance framework and provided a stimulus to a greener economy, as well as what tools and opportunities it provides for addressing future challenges.

Steiner said Rio+20 had resulted in a “fresh sense of understanding” that sustainable development without environmental and social improvements is unsustainable. Steiner touched on outcomes specific to the green economy, the 2020 chemicals target, sustainable consumption and production (SCP), sustainable development, public procurement, corporate sustainability reporting and the future of UNEP.

Outlining next steps in the post-Rio agenda, Steiner said the Rio+20 outcomes would form a key part of the 67th UN General Assembly (UNGA) High-level Debate. He noted the outcomes would be central to the annual High Level Meeting between UNEP and the European Commission scheduled to convene in October 2012, in Brussels. He also outlined UNEP’s intention to accelerate and scale up action and cooperation with the Directorate General of Environment, and with the Directorate Generals of Development Cooperation and Climate to Research.

Potočnik, reflecting on the outcomes of Rio+20, underscored the need for the EU to follow through on its commitments at both the EU and international levels. He underscored the importance of means of implementation, and stressed that financing should be tackled in the broadest sense, primarily mobilized from a range of public and private sources, including through innovative financing.

Potočnik also highlighted the importance of creating the right conditions for business to invest and grow to encourage pathways to a greener economy. He emphasized the need to revitalize efforts to prioritize free flow of trade in environmental goods and services, a matter which he said had been “stagnating” World Trade Organization (WTO) discussions.

Potočnik also noted plans to release the 7th Environment Action Programme by the end of 2012, and a Communication on Rio+20 follow-up in early 2013. [EEB Annual Conference Website] [UNEP Press Release] [EU Press Release]