ECOSOC19 February 2016: The UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) reached agreement regarding upcoming segments of its work in 2016. Governments continue to consult informally on several other items related to ECOSOC’s programme of work.

Meeting on 19 February 2016, the Council agreed by consensus that: the theme of ECOSOC’s 2016 Integration Segment will be ‘Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through policy innovation and integration’ (document E/2016/L.4/Rev.1); ECOSOC’s 2016 Humanitarian Affairs Segment will take place on 27-29 June (document E/2016/L.7); and the inaugural session of the multi-stakeholder forum on science, technology and innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (STI Forum) will take place on 6-7 June 2016 (document E/2016/L.8). ECOSOC President Oh Joon informed Member States that all decisions are without Programme Budget Implications (PBI).

Delegations are still consulting on other issues, in particular the dates and duration of the first ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development (FFD Forum). Thailand for the Group of 77 and China (G-77/China) has proposed that the Forum take place on 14-15 April and 18-20 April 2016, for a total of five days, in respect of the importance of the inaugural session of the Forum. The US expressed support for a three-day forum on 18-20 April, to avoid overlap with other important events and to prioritize substance over duration. The EU, echoing the US, supported a three-day forum, noting that only eight months will have elapsed since lengthy negotiations on similar topics.

President Oh noted the urgency of setting dates for the Forum and settling other matters, saying further delays will jeopardize the events’ success. He added that he will appoint co-facilitators for the FFD Forum, although they cannot begin consultations until governments have agreed on organizational matters. Oh also cautioned that despite the Council’s tradition of using consensus, taking a decision using the rules of procedure will be necessary if delays threaten the physical holding of the Forum.

Other items still being considered are: the theme of the 2016 High-level Political Forum on sustainable development (HLPF); the venue for the Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters; the theme for the thematic discussion of the 2016 ECOSOC High-level Segment (HLS), which has been proposed as ‘Sustainable infrastructure for all;’ the theme for the 2016 FFD Forum, which has been proposed as ‘Follow-up to the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA);’ and the theme of the 2017 ECOSOC session. [IISD RS Sources] [ECOSOC Meeting Summary] [Meeting Webcast]