© ECOSOCMay 2009: The UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) has released the report (E/2009/33) of the 11th session of the Committee for Development Policy, held from 9-13 March 2009, at UN Headquarters in New York, US. The report addresses the following themes: international cooperation on global public health and the importance of tackling inequalities; the global financial turmoil and its impact on developing countries; climate change and development; and the triennial review of the list of the least developed countries.

On climate change, the report notes that the financial crisis provides an opportunity for changing conventional patterns of investment and production, calling for every country to adopt carbon-saving technologies, and for developed countries to facilitate technology transfer and finance to developing countries for global mitigation. The report also calls for the development of a climate impact vulnerability indicator at the national level to guide adaptation strategies. [The report]