11 July 2008: Speaking during a Panel discussion on
“Implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the context of
current challenges,” Kemal Dervis, Administrator of the UN Development
Programme (UNDP), noted that economic growth is threatened by shortages of
natural resources such as energy, water and atmosphere, and stressed that MDG 7
on environmental sustainability is an absolute key priority.

On the UN’s efforts to reach this goal, he highlighted that
UNDP’s Achievement Fund is funding climate change adaptation efforts, and that
the Chief Executives Board has adopted a comprehensive climate change process.
In closing, he lamented that the food crisis threatens progress achieved so
far. In the afternoon, UN Economic and Social Council members debated
implementation of the Triennial Comprehensive Policy Review of Development Operations,
outlined in General Assembly Resolution A/RES/62/208. Indonesia identified
rising oil and food prices as the cause of the food crisis, which, together
with climate change, hinders developing countries’ progress towards the MDGs,
and stressed the need for operational activities to met time-bound results.
Also referring to the interlinkages between the food and energy crises and
climate change, the Republic of Korea called for coherent and coordinated
action. The discussions formed part of
the UN Economic and Social Council’s 2008 Substantive Segment. [ECOSOC News
, 11 July 2008]