ECOSOC12 February 2016: The UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Bureau has created an independent team of advisers to support the ongoing ECOSOC dialogue on the longer-term positioning of the UN Development System. The dialogue is in its second phase, during which Member States will develop proposals for strengthening the UNDS in response to the requirements of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The team of advisers will hold its first meeting on 24-25 February 2016.

In a briefing on 12 February 2016, Héctor Cerna, ECOSOC Vice-President, informed UN Member States of the road map for the second phase of the dialogue, which begin in December 2015. Upcoming sessions will include: a retreat focused on what changes, especially in functions, are needed in UNDS to support Member States in delivering the 2030 Agenda (26-27 February); a workshop on UNDS functions, funding, and impact (21 March); a workshop on UNDS governance, partnership approaches, organizational arrangements and capacity (5 May); a workshop on interlinkages between the ECOSOC Dialogue and on the proposals emerging from the workshops (20 May); an ECOSOC formal session on the conclusion of the Dialogue (1 July); and a retreat on the findings and conclusions of the ECOSOC Dialogue and the way forward (17-18 June).

On the team of advisers, Cerna said it: will offer specific recommendations on the process; is comprised of 14 members from all regions and various NGOs and other institutions; Juan Somavia (Chile) and Klaus Topfer (Germany) serve as Co-Chairs; Germany is sponsoring the team; and the team will consult with Member States, UN bodies, NGOs and others.

Member States offered suggestions on the dialogue, also expressing concerns. Thailand for the Group of 77 and China (G-77/China), supported by Canada and the US, highlighted the technicality of the discussions and hence the need for retreats to include participants other than the Permanent Representative level. Kenya stressed the need for an exact time frame for aligning the UNDS with the 2030 Agenda, including key deliverables.

In a briefing for civil society on 10 February, the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) highlighted the importance of stakeholders’ contributions in two areas of the dialogue, partnerships and functions. Mechanisms for stakeholders’ contributions are expected to be announced soon. [UN Press Release] [QCPR and ECOSOC Dialogue Webpage] [Meeting Webcast] [Summary of First Phase of Dialogue] [IISD RS Sources]