EBRD11 December 2013: The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Board of Directors has approved a new Energy Sector Strategy, which outlines the EBRD’s plan and role in the energy sector from 2014 to the end of 2018.

The EBRD considers energy to be at the heart of its mandate to “foster the transition to market-oriented economies and to promote environmentally sound and sustainable development,” and accordingly aims to focus primarily on improving the energy efficiency through its financing.

These efforts will be under the umbrella of the EBRD’s existing Sustainable Energy Initiative (the SEI), which also includes its renewable energy portfolio. Other core goals set out in the Strategy are to support: the building of deep and liquid energy markets; evaluation of energy systems; the transition to low carbon economies; cleaning energy production and supply; standard setting and best practices; and a broader role for the energy sector in a sustainable society and economy. [Publication: EBRD Energy Sector Strategy]