30 September 2011: The Heads of State or Government and representatives of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, the EU and its member States met in Warsaw, Poland, on 29-30 September 2011, to renew their commitment to the objectives and continued implementation of the Eastern Partnership, including on the green economy, climate change and energy.

The President of the European Parliament and the representatives of the Committee of the Regions, the Economic and Social Committee, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) were also present at the Summit. The Summit adopted the Joint Declaration of the Eastern Partnership Summit, in which participants agree on the need to: make progress towards the green economy; take urgent action to address climate change and combat environmental degradation, including caused by obsolete pesticides and other hazardous chemicals; and promote climate change dialogue and sharing of best practices to foster implementation of international climate agreements and enable partner countries to actively use fast-start and long-term support to reach their climate policy aims.

Recalling their energy interdependence, the participants further agree to: strengthen their energy partnership; work further towards integrating their energy markets; strengthen long-term energy security, including through cooperation on stable and secure energy supply and transit, nuclear safety, competitive energy markets; and enhance energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources. In the Joint Declaration, they further welcome the launch of the Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership with Ukraine and agree to work toward extending its membership to other interested partners. [Joint Declaration]