© UN30 May 2009: The UN Division for Sustainable Development (DSD) of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) has called for the submission of articles and viewpoints to be included in a special section on climate change in an upcoming issue of Natural Resources Forum: A United Nations Sustainable Development Journal.

Articles should consider climate change-related issues with a sustainable development perspective. The editor will consider papers on: strategic approaches for long-term cooperative action to address climate change, including technology development, technology transfer and market-based opportunities; concrete policies at the national level to promote low-carbon growth and development; integration of climate change in economic planning and decision making, from a practical perspective; adaptation to climate change in specific sectors; and innovative approaches integrating adaptation to climate change with broader sustainable development approaches.
DSD has also invited 200 word submissions addressing the following question for the Viewpoints section of the November 2009 issue: “What would be the three key preconditions for jumpstarting or scaling up the transfer of environmentally sound technologies for climate change to developing countries?” Submissions are requested by 15 June and 30 July, respectively. [The Call for Submissions]