cbfp28 May 2014: The REDD+ National Coordination Office in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) convened the first REDD+ University for a hundred participants representing government organizations, civil society, local communities and indigenous peoples.

The University covered: climate change and REDD+, the REDD+ process and implementation framework in the DRC, communication on REDD+, and the Emission Reductions Program Idea Note (ER-PIN) in the DRC. The University also focused on REDD + projects and sustainable forest management in Bandundu as well as the jurisdictional approach to REDD+ as applied in Bandundu.

In discussion forums held during the University, participants discussed issues ranging from artisanal logging to provincial participation in the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) process with the EU. Stakeholder participation was also extensively addressed, including representation by indigenous peoples and local communities.

Outcomes from the University included a set of recommendations on the need to identify priority REDD+ areas, the importance of collecting and disseminating good practices in forest management and sustainable agriculture, and opportunities for closer collaboration among REDD+ agencies and stakeholders. [Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) Press Release] [Publication: Première Edition de l’Université de la REDD+ au Bandundu – communiqué final]