17 August 2018: Non-state actors from Mexico, Japan and the US are joining forces to help accelerate climate action and implementation of national climate goals with the launch of the Alliances for Climate Action (ACA), a network of domestic, multi-sector coalitions. According to the UNFCCC’s 2017 Yearbook of Global Climate Action, commitments made by non-state actors could halve the emissions gap for 2°C, and reduce the emissions gap for 1.5°C by as much as one third.

The initiative was launched by leaders from business, regional government, higher education and civil society, through coalitions they have formed in their respective countries: the Alianza para la Acción Climática de Guadalajara (Mexico), the Japan Climate Initiative and the We Are Still In coalition (US). UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa said the initiative is an example of “inclusive multilateralism,” in which businesses, local leaders and national governments work together to achieve the long-term health of the planet.

ACA will provide information and technical support to participating actors at the domestic level to: develop actions jointly; engage with national governments; build domestic public support for accelerated climate action; connect domestic coalitions in different countries; and encourage other non-state actors and national governments to accelerate action and increase ambition. ACA members will also build public support for climate action domestically and internationally, and support peer-to-peer learning, networking and knowledge sharing.

The Alianza para la Acción Climática de Guadalajara is the world’s third multi-stakeholder climate coalition aimed at helping to deliver and enhance Paris Agreement pledges. Over 35 Mexican entities, including the University of Guadalajara, the government of the state of Jalisco and the Mexican company Fortius, are working with the national government to accelerate implementation of Mexico’s pledge to reduce emissions by 22% by 2030 and, with international support, by up to 36%.

In July 2018, more than 100 Japanese leaders formed the Japan Climate Initiative to make progress towards achieving a decarbonized Japanese society. Members include five companies with 100% renewable energy targets and 15 companies with approved science-based targets, including Japanese multinational conglomerates Ricoh and Sony. Since the launch, more than 50 new organizations have joined the coalition.

The US-based We Are Still In coalition was launched in June 2017 following US President Donald Trump’s announcement of intent to withdraw the US from the Paris Agreement on climate change. The coalition has more than 3,000 signatories, representing 170 million Americans and US$6.4 trillion in GDP.

The ACA initiative is being jointly advanced by, among others, the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, CDP, the Climate Action Network, the We Mean Business Coalition and WWF. [Alliances for Climate Action Website] [WWF News Story]