5 June 2012: The Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), a group of 14 international forest-related organizations, has released eight fact sheets on sustainable forest management (SFM).

The fact sheets address: the multiple functions of forests; primary forests; food security and livelihoods; indigenous peoples; REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks); biodiversity; gender; and adaptation to climate change. The fact sheets were released by the CPF Working Group on Advancing a Common Message on SFM, which aims to clarify concepts and develop common messages on SFM.

Commenting on the release of the fact sheets, Eduardo Rojas-Briales, CPF Chair and Assistant Director General of the FAO Forestry Department, underscored that they illustrate how forests and SFM address “the social, economic and environmental aspects of sustainability in a comprehensive manner, and why decision-makers at the upcoming Rio+20 Conference should look to forests to provide many of the answers to meet the challenges of sustainability and move countries toward greener economies.” [CPF Press Release] [Publication: Sustainable Forest Management Fact Sheets]