limacop208 December 2014: On the sidelines of the Lima Climate Change Conference, the Government of Peru organized an event which gave parties an opportunity to submit REDD+ forest reference emission levels (RELs) and/or forest reference levels (RLs) to the President of the 20th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 20) to the UNFCCC, Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, and the UNFCCC Deputy Executive Secretary, Richard Kinley.

The event, titled ‘Peru and the UNFCCC: Showcasing REDD+ Implementation in Developing Countries,’ also aimed to demonstrate leadership in moving REDD+ forward, by presenting actions that will reduce emissions and highlighting the role of the UNFCCC in supporting countries to implement their commitments.

In opening remarks, Pulgar-Vidal said the submission of RELs and RLs signified that countries recognize the value of forests and the need to manage them sustainably, despite the hard work required. Kinley noted that the first step necessary to operationalize the Warsaw Framework for REDD+ is to receive information about the state of countries’ forests, through the RELs/RLs, which will be technically assessed through open discussion.

Representatives from Malaysia, Mexico and Colombia presented their countries’ respective RELs, emphasizing their commitment to implementing the Warsaw Framework, applauding countries’ interest and efforts, and urging the prioritization of monitoring programmes.

Adriano Santhiago de Oliveira, Director of Climate Change, the Ministry of Environment, Brazil, described the technical assessment of Brazil’s REL as a very important phase. He also said his country is eager to focus on implementing deforestation commitments.

Gustavo Suarez de Freitas, Executive Coordinator of National Forest Conservation, Peru, lamented that 50% of deforestation in Peru takes place on land where communities do not have tenure. He announced Peru’s intention to improve the livelihood of those living in forests and sharpen assessment of forest resources to enhance their management.

Edwin Vasquez, President, Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin, called on countries to adopt holistic forest management and support initiatives undertaken by indigenous communities living there. [IISD RS ENBOTS Coverage] [IISD RS Coverage of Lima Climate Change Conference] [Peruvian Ministry of Environment Website] [UNFCCC On-Demand Video of Event] [UNFCCC Lima REDD+ Day Announcement]