The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) is holding a series of side events during COP 26. The events aim to reinforce FAO’s commitment to supporting countries in the climate negotiations, particularly through enhancing action related to food and agriculture, ecosystems, and biodiversity, and working with countries to access climate finance. 

One side event introduced the ‘Pathways to Dairy Net Zero’ initiative to reduce emissions in the global dairy sector. 

During the first week of the COP, an event titled ‘Raising Climate Ambition and Actions for Agriculture and Food Systems: Boosting Koronivia’ convened amid ongoing efforts to mainstream the transformation of agriculture and food systems within the UNFCCC process. Discussions focused on current activities and potential future options for the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture, which was established at COP 23 in 2017.

The 3 November side event emphasized that:

  • feeding humanity requires a systemic transformation to build resilience to climate change and protect soils, water, ecosystems, and farmers, which is very different from the “green revolution”;
  • farmers and young people must be included and empowered; and
  • on-the-ground implementation of Koronivia’s decisions must be fostered.

Another event on 3 November explored how technology and innovation can transform food systems for a more sustainable future, and how the outcome of COP 26 can integrate these systems to help achieve climate goals. The event titled ‘Accelerating implementation of the Paris Agreement through innovative climate-resilient agri-food systems‘ provided a space for participants to express their views on achieving climate-resilient agri-food systems, which aim to: provide food security; mitigate GHG emissions; increase resilience; and restore biodiversity.

On 4 November, an event on raising ambitions on climate action in the global dairy sector to achieve the Paris Agreement addressed the ways in which dairy farmers can reduce emissions while continuing to provide food and ensuring their own livelihoods. The event introduced the Pathways to Dairy Net Zero initiative, an international public-private alliance to reduce emissions in the global dairy sector. Panelists from governments, research institutions, and the private sector discussed ways the dairy sector can achieve net zero emissions and contribute to mitigation.

An event on Renewable Energy for Agri-food Systems: Towards the SDGs and the Paris Agreement also convened on 4 November. A joint approach to an energy transition and agri-food system transformation is crucial to meet the SDGs and the Paris Agreement targets. FAO and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) are working jointly on efforts to decouple food systems from the use of fossil fuels to contribute to climate action without hampering food security. The side event highlighted the need to improve access to renewable energy for millions of farmers, the multiple benefits to be gained from using renewable energy in agri-food systems, and the need for collective action for breaking down sectoral silos and implementing cross-cutting actions. [FAO at COP 26 Website] [ENB coverage of COP 26 side events