Informal consultations have been held with the Committee of Permanent Representatives in Nairobi, Kenya.

The consultations, which were undertaken by UN General Assembly President Jan Eliasson as part of the broader UN Reform process, were held on 3-4 May 2006. Eliasson undertook a field visit to the Kibera slum – considered the largest in Africa, received briefings on the joint UNEP/UN-HABITAT Nairobi River Basin Project and on UN-HABITAT’s Kenya Slum Upgrading Programme. Addressing the Committee of Permanent Representatives to UNEP and UN-HABITAT, Eliasson outlined the ongoing process of UN reform, in particular the Peacebuilding Commission, the Human Rights Council, management issues and global environmental governance. In a press conference, he also stressed the importance of embracing the reform programme to help strengthen the UN, of regional cooperation and multilateralism, and the urgency to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and integrate security, development and human rights.
Link to further information
UN News report (May 2006)