The Consultative Process towards an International Mechanism of Scientific Expertise on Biodiversity (IMoSEB) has recently convened two regional meetings: the Asian Regional Consultation (24-25 September 2007, Beijing, China) and the South American Regional Consultation (2-3 October 2007, Bariloche, Argentina).

Participants at both meetings heard presentations, exchanged views and discussed various options for a possible IMoSEB, its structure and governance, and issues relevant to their regions, in the context of the science-policy interface.
The Beijing meeting was attended by 40 experts and officials from 18 Asian countries, and international and non-governmental organizations, including scientific research institutions. The meeting agreed on an IMoSEB in the form of an independent intergovernmental panel serving the five biodiversity-related conventions, including a multi-stakeholder component affiliated to a UN body.
The Bariloche meeting was attended by five IMoSEB representatives and 19 experts from 9 Latin American countries, and international and non-governmental organizations.
Participants reached broad agreement on the needs for an IMoSEB, and put forward two options for such a mechanism. The first option would consist of an international panel of scientists, political figures and other biodiversity actors, supported by a “network of networks” for exchanging and building scientific information. The second option would strengthen existing scientific information networks and mechanisms, with a focus on enhancing national and regional-level decision-making on biodiversity issues. The meeting also reached agreement on the specific needs and challenges of the Latin American region, the relationship of an IMoSEB to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and other biodiversity-related conventions, and the role of the private sector and indigenous communities.
Links to further information
IISD RS coverage of the Beijing meeting
IISD RS coverage of the Bariloche meeting