Connect4Climate16 April 2014: Connect4Climate (C4C) has announced a partnership with Vimeo, an online video-sharing platform, in support of the Action4Climate video contest. Vimeo will promote the best videos through its social media channels, amplifying the online climate change conversation created by the contest.

C4C invited young amateur filmmakers, aged 14-35 from around the world to submit videos showing the impacts of climate change in their communities and expressing ideas for solutions. By the contest’s closing date, 1 April 2014, contestants had submitted over 230 videos, which are short documentaries of one to 12 minutes in length. They will be judged by a jury led by Italian screenwriter and director Bernardo Bertolucci.

In October 2014, 30 finalists will be honored at the Action4Climate Award Ceremony. Vimeo will award the finalists with Vimeo PLUS accounts, which increase users’ weekly storage to five gigabytes, convert videos more quickly, and allow unlimited, high-definition uploading and embedding.

Funded by the World Bank, the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and the Italian Ministry of the Environment, C4C is an initiative that seeks to raise global awareness about climate change, highlight and connect climate change activities and initiatives, and spur action to implement solutions worldwide. [World Bank Press Release] [Connect4Climate Website]