The 2024 Ocean Decade Conference took stock and celebrated achievements three years after the start of the UN Ocean Decade. Delegates adopted the Barcelona Statement, which identifies priorities for the remainder of the Decade, and provided input into a set of ten draft white papers, which contain further details on priorities.

“The Ocean is the world’s most vital resource,” the Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB) summary report of the meeting highlights. “It plays a major role in global climate cycles, provides us with half of our oxygen, is home to a majority of species on Earth, and underpins a ‘blue economy’ that feeds hundreds of millions of people,” ENB notes. However, the Ocean is facing increasing pressure from marine pollution, overfishing, warming ocean temperatures, and acidification, among other threats.

One major initiative under the UN umbrella to address these challenges is the UN Decade for Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). The Ocean Decade “aims to bring together ocean stakeholders globally to ensure ocean science supports countries” in meeting SDG 14 (life below water), ENB writes.

The 2024 Ocean Decade Conference gathered representatives from governments, universities, the private sector, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and other stakeholders, to reflect on progress and set a collective vision and joint priorities for the rest of the Decade.

According to ENB, the three sets of priorities identified in the Barcelona Statement, are: ocean knowledge and science generation to inform management decisions; improved infrastructure including for marine pollution monitoring and ocean observations; and cross-cutting issues such as co-designing initiatives and embracing all knowledge systems.

The draft white papers, prepared by ten Working Groups, correspond with the ten Challenges of the Ocean Decade. ENB notes that inputs conference participants provided during discussions “will be incorporated into the final versions of the white papers and an outcomes document that will include a synthesis of the white papers, by May 2024.” The white papers prioritize generating knowledge on science-based solutions to biodiversity conservation, climate change, food security, a sustainable ocean economy, pollution, and natural hazards.

“Many praised the Ocean Decade Conference as an important step on the way to the next key moment of the global movement for the Ocean: the third UN Ocean Conference, to be held in Nice, France, in June 2025,” ENB underscores.

The Government of Spain hosted the Conference in Barcelona, Spain, from 10-12 April 2024. The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (IOC/ UNESCO) co-organized the event, with the Government of Catalonia and the Barcelona City Council, among other partners. [ENB Coverage of 2024 Ocean Decade Conference]