26 July 2011: The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) launched an online consultation on the CFS’ Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition (GSF). The GSF will serve as framework to enhance the role of the CFS and to guide food security and nutrition policies and action at all levels.

Comments are invited on an annotated outline of the GSF, regarding the: rationale, purpose and function of the GSF; coverage and prioritization of structural causes of food insecurity; additional issues and policy options to be considered; and guidance on monitoring progress. Stakeholders at all levels may participate in the online consultation.

The consultation will continue until 15 October 2011. A summary will be presented at the CFS’ 37th Session, to be held 17-22 October 2011, in Rome, Italy. [CFS Consultation Opening Note] [GSF Annotated Outline]