March 2013: The Commission des Forêts d’Afrique Central (COMIFAC) convened its annual planning meeting to adopt its 2013 plan. The meeting took place amidst concerns about financing for COMIFAC and its activities.

The plan outlines a number of priority activities including: the operationalization of the COMIFAC monitoring and evaluation plan; the organization of meetings of the thematic working groups; the participation of COMIFAC in relevant regional and international meetings; the coordination and implementation of programs on biodiversity conservation; enhanced synergies between forest and fiscal policies; and awareness raising among member countries on financing mechanisms.

The annual meeting recommended the establishment of an ad hoc committee on the “Plan de Convergence,” the clear definition of priorities for the Heads of State meeting in 2013, and the elaboration of a clear financing and fundraising strategy for the implementation of priority activities.

The meeting also recommended that the Executive Secretary hold regular meetings to update members and partners on progress and the latest issues and to encourage partners to meet their obligations under the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. [Publication: Plan de Travail Annuel] [Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) Press Release]