September 2011: Collectif RIO+20, a group of approximately 40 French civil society organizations, has announced its contribution to preparations for the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20). This group’s contribution states that the “green economy” should be understood to correspond to new economic and technolo­gical social principles, towards an optimal use of resources and the global reduc­tion of material pressure on non-renewable resources.

The contribution contains five main proposals, as follows: transitioning towards a new civilization; facing outdated thresholds of acceptability and viability; establishing criteria of general interest, tax instruments for transition and scales to establish solidarities as prerequisites to the transition to a new civilization; ensuring democracy as a pre-condition to reinforced governance; and rethinking the international architecture of governance in the UN for more regulation and new engagements. The contribution highlights reducing inequalities and fighting against poverty as the first priority to transition towards a new civilization. [Publication: Summary of Contribution (English)] [Publication: Full Text (French)]