copcms9 November 2014: The eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP11) to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) approved thirty-one proposals to add species to the Convention’s two appendices. In closing the meeting, Ecuador Minister of Environment, Lorena Tapia, said that COP11 participants “made borders disappear” by making firm decisions and commitments for action on migratory species’ conservation.

During the week, COP11 adopted 35 resolutions addressing issues such as: the lion and work towards an Appendix II listing proposal to be presented at COP12; the Strategic Plan for Migratory Species 2015-2023; the Programme of Work on Climate Change and Migratory Species; the Central Asian Mammals Initiative (CAMI); and Renewable Energy and Migratory Species. After considering proposals submitted by Parties to amend the appendices of the Convention, the COP decided to list 31 species, which included 21 shark, ray and sawfish species.

In his summary of the COP, CMS Executive Secretary Bradnee Chambers said, “The Conference in Quito has generated an unprecedented level of attention for the Convention. Like never before in the 35-year history of CMS, migratory animals have become the global flagships for many of the pressing issues of our time. From plastic pollution in our oceans, to the effects of climate change, to poaching and over-exploitation, the threats migratory animals face will eventually affect us all.”

Three Species Action Plans were also approved, for the Argali in Central Asia, the Pacific Loggerhead Turtle and the Saker Falcon. The COP also welcomed the offer by the Philippines to host COP12.

Several Parties and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) made closing statements praising the CMS for such a remarkable number of species listings and resolutions adopted. CMS COP11 met from 4-9 November 2014, in Quito, Ecuador. [IISD RS Coverage of CMS COP11] [CMS Closing Press Release] [Press Release on Central Asian Mammals Initiative] [UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Press Release]